Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's Here!!! Carpet, Now We're Talking

With much anticipation and a great deal of demand I now offer a discussion on carpet issues and would appreciate other opinions. The great deal of demand relates to one person saying one day "what happened to that carpet thingo?" and knowing that you all out there love a good shag, or like a good lay I thought i'd put a few thoughts down.

As posed in the very long period between the coming soon and the actual article, the fundamental question on everones lips is; what happened to all the carpet? I am concerned about the trend towards (in my opinion) not going to the trouble of laying any and simply relying on floorboards, (were these ever supposed to be exposed?) or even more popular laying laminate, see picture above, now ask yourself does that look comfortable? Is that smile genuine? Is that a warm cosy environment?

I am not going to attempt to address the answers to this trend away from carpet, rather just pose some difficult questions. Oh and this doesn’t cover rugs by the way, that’s another issue, they are ridiculously popular, which is strange don’t you think when they are used to cover the perfectly good laminate just layed. In my opinion the rug issue is direct evidence that people miss carpets, and the rugs just don’t do the job.

There are too many issues to cover in this short article, but some questions that need to be posed are: How is acoustic absorption addressed in laminate dominate societies and what impact is this having on our way of life? Has this trend seen a rise in slipper sales? Will we bounce back from this madness and get back to the 1980's carpet heyday? Will vacuums become obsolete? How many slipping incidents occur whilst walking in socks on laminate? .......and much more.

I am expecting an influx of opinion and comment on this issue, so I have warned the blog people that they may see a massive increase in site traffic.

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